Pursuit of shoes and other habits

Dear you

Remember the time you had to throw away your favourite jeans from the closet. Its old and doesn't fit you any more, but you try it one last time before making the hard decision. " Perhaps if I could alter this, or loose some weight", you tell yourself. You may even tuck it back into the closet hoping that someday you might be able to wear it again. But you know very well that, its not going to happen.

In my recent trip to India I met someone after a long time. Someone who I deeply loved once. It was as awkward as it could be. Silence spoke, wristwatches turned and smiles lied. What happened to all those talking we did for hours ? perhaps we spoke it all and nothing was left to use.It was exactly like trying on my favourite jeans, I couldn't alter myself or it to fit me any more. I tucked away my emotions at the back of my closet and smiled.We made a promise to meet sometime, the promise that was not meant to be kept.

While the love took the back seat in my life, Career took the front. I managed to finish the Masters in Design in flying colours.  I also manage to convince the company I was freelancing for, to offer me a position in Singapore. Life is getting busier, interesting and happening. Loans will be paid and new shoes will be bought.

From Monday I would be joining work. I would miss my late nights, late mornings and the old canvas shoes. All of which needs to be tucked away into my closet, For I am in pursuit of new ones.

Ps: Thanks a lot for all of you who supported me throughout my ordeal with the career change.  I have the deepest gratitude from the depth of my soul to those who helped me to make it happen.

Special thanks to those who kept writing , smsing and calling me to find out my job hunt updates. And who pestered me to write again. Now that I am starting work, I might have enough free time to write again ;)


Photo Cache said…
congratulations. what an achievement. your family must be extremely proud.

btw, now that you no longer have lessons to study at night, maybe, just maybe there would be more postings here? plus more travel documentaries to share, just like before?
sri said…
Hey Photo Cache :)

Thank u thank u thank u :)

hahah yes I would and I am hoping that I would be a regular :)
Ramesh said…
Congratulations Sri. You are a hero to persist with what you wanted to do, despite the odds and the greatest joy is to see you succeed.

May you achieve much much success and happiness. And may your house be filled with closets after closets of shoes :)
Congrats, Sri!!! Its sooooo good to hear that!!!!! all the very best for the future... and as to the past, well, thats why its called the past, right? its over and done with... move ahead and enjoy what is yet to come!
Congrats, Sri!!! Its sooooo good to hear that!!!!! all the very best for the future... and as to the past, well, thats why its called the past, right? its over and done with... move ahead and enjoy what is yet to come!
Unknown said…
Awesome Sri :) Proud of you
Swaram said…
Yay congrats Sri :)
And wishing u the very best for the future too :)
sri said…

Hello Ramesh thanks so much for your words :) of course not possible without your support
sri said…

:) you were always there to encourage and cheer me up :) thank u so much
sri said…

You are defn one of my blessings :)

Thanks a lot !
sri said…
@swaram :)

haha yes everythings gonna be great :) I jus have to keep smiling like u :)
Carpe Diem said…
Congrats :)
//Life is getting busier, interesting and happening. Loans will be paid and new shoes will be bought.

good one :)
jehan said…
Hi Sri!

So sorry for this late visit.. i was MIA from my blog for a while too.. got busy with my busy Tot^^

Congratulations and all the very best for the years ahead...
sri said…
Carpe Diem

Hey thanks :) I couldnt access your profile though :P
Unknown said…
Gr8...very nice.. :)
That photo cool...

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