An Elephant's pride

I happen to see this video of elephant giving birth and it blew me off. The mother elephant (after delivery) checked the calf which neither breathed nor moved. After several kicks and a quick blow the calf took its first breath to everyone’s relief. In next few minutes the calf stood up and looked perfectly fine. The mother seemed so happy and proud and I almost heard her say “see I have made my child and I know how to take care of it”.

Nearly million elephants are killed in africa during last two decades, that left so many orphans, think before buying Ivory stuff , photo courtesy National Geographic
This morning found me in an unusual place, a baby shower function (locally known as “Seemandham”) of my cousin’s wife. Unlike abroad it’s a family function here and I was obliged to attend. Needless to say I was surrounded by truck load of aunties and soon to be, worrying about my future love life and stuff.

On occasions like this, men get busy taking part in the rituals/ doing the transportation and stuff. Women (no gender bias here) find their own time pass well known to man kind – Talking about others (gossiping is under statement here). It would look like a reality show of who does the best parenting or whose offspring is the smartest.

One of my aunties recommended few IT companies to me because their pay scale is good. Another one had several clarifications about abroad life which I was obliged to clear to the entire group. One even managed to sit next to me during breakfast and force fed me, for she felt I am loosing weight and my charisma (!?) by not eating well. Eating well according to the mom’s of our community meant loading every square meter of the stomach with several forms of rice and high calorie/fatty milk products. No wonder my brother opted not to go.

While these are expected, what surprised me was the treatment I received. I felt like a government official inspecting the function. People offered seat, spoke nice and helped to make the formalities faster so I can go to work on time. The uncle, who used to make fun of me, not just listened to what I said but showed outmost respect to me. It’s amazing what money can do. A well earning foreign return is symbol of success, status and admiration here.

We live in one corner of city called Chrompet. And my cousin’s place is further away (a perfect sub urban) surrounded by rice fields and irrigation canals - a sight worth visiting in the morning. I saw many cattle. Few cows starred while I honked for my way.I even saw a beautiful lily pond.

Above all these fringe benefits I am glad I went. I actually did it for my aunt (my mom’s sister who lives with her husband near to our home). She doesn’t have any children and treats me like one. She asked me to take her to the venue, and literally dragged me around introducing to the relatives. At that moment I saw the pride in her eyes, one that is equivalent to that of elephant’s. Bow to the finest feeling of Motherhood!


Chatterbox said…
Chatterbox said…
That indeed is a beautiful picture a cute elephant calf.

Loved your wonderful narration as you drew in words all that happened with you during the day and your perfect description of the observations at the function.

Fantastic end note,"bow to the finest feelings of motherhood"

Am glad too that you went to the function to give your dear aunt a moment off joy to be proud of you :)

Keep up the good work Sri :)

Unknown said…
it amazes me to date how 'being in foreign' and living an NRI life can increase teh respect and 'aww' quotient, several notches higher, its like the person in question doesnt seem to matter at all..

could imagine u at teh function Sri and u fielding the volley of questions in ur style ;)

will check out the video now, motherhood is def a feeling like no other..
Swaram said…
Wow! Luved the way u started the post to bring abt the point :) What a lovely feeling :)

It ws nice of u Sri to put the bonding b/w u and ur aunt above everything else :)

Lily pond, rice fields - what a visual treat :)
Unknown said…
just watched the video.. have never felt such awe in recent times..
Soin said…
ton to ton to ton to doin tododoin..( nayagan feelings music)
Karthik said…
i have seen a cow giving birth with such awe.. will see this one..

superbly written as always..:)
Ramesh said…
Very nice post Sri, in your usual inimitable style. When Sri makes posts like this, all is well with the world !

One complaint - how you can forget to post your photo of being force fed by your aunty ??!! I am aching having laughed non stop at the thought !!
Athivas said…
The video- am speechless....the joys of motherhood,Yeah!!

Loved the way you related this to your aunt's love. Both of you are indeed blessed!!

To a few, A NRI is a NRI is a NRI. period. Only we know the other side of being one! Sigh!! You just play along, LOL!!
Prats said…
So the celeb NRI comes home... but true though we might not feel extremely great about our achievements in life but for our parents sometimes its that what they prepared for their entire life.
Chan said…
//what surprised me was the treatment I received.//
abroad return la ;-)

//called Chrompet//
Chromepet la yenga radha ngr-a ila near NSN-aa illa hasthinapuramaa illa chitlapakkamaa? ;-P

Video was awesome!!
havent seen the video yet, since samhith is here, and i have no idea how he will react.. shall see it later when he;s at school... but sounds wonderful!!

and get used to the special treatment - 'foren-returned'

its a wonder they arent matchmaking yet!!!!
RamNarayanS said…
Nature is nature. "Awe" video.

>> truckload of aunties and soon to be.

Ha Ha Ha. Apt description for folks whom you get to see mostly during functions. That is a plus point of functions, meeting long lost relatives. "and soon to be" aunties -> ROTFL

Another 2 functions like this and we'll see a more rounded Srivats. :-)

And second what Prats says. It is a definitely a point of pride to those near and dear, if not you. :-)

Those special relationships!!! Wonderful post Srivats.
Be aware.....Aunties will crowd around you to matchmaking sooner!!:)
J said…
Nice post - could totally visualize the scene. I too share a mom-like relationship with my aunt and I am constantly amazed at how strong the maternal ties can be in these relationships.
Ajai said…
Congratulations. I'm sure your success is well earned.

There is nothing like getting the folks back home happy na? When you see them smile, or that pride in their eyes and then you know that all that crap you had to face was actually worth it.
Photo Cache said…
It's fun to go to these functions sometimes. I'm sure they have made lists of the "available" and "qualified" women for a love match with you.
bittersweet said…
Aw.. that's sweet! It's nice to hear you reconnecting with the Indian culture and your relatives. More than your homecoming that symbolizes your sucess, I'm sure your Mom and your relatives are proud of for what you turned out to be as a person. As with the elephant, it's reslly cute. I haven't seen one with a hair like that. It sort of reminds me of your copperish haircolor mishap before! ^^ Smile! And have a great day ahead of you.
well, that was simply great.. motherhood is one of the finest forms of being in an extra ordinary emotional state.. and it applies to any form of being... its just the perfect not all can understand... not even the mother's heart
Smita said…
That is so so typical Indian setting!!!

LAst month when I was attending a mrrg the attitude of an otherwise ignoring me girl changed when she came to know that am an IIT pass out :D
Aarti said…
How sweet... :)

Awesome video indeed...!
Aarti said…
Reminded me of the time i attended a dear friend's wedding and his parents took me around, introducing me to every single person who had come - "she is J's friend since 3rd std, has kept in touch and come for his wedding all the way from chennai..." :)
sri said…

Hey first! thats so fast ! :)
Thats so kind of you to say those words. I try my best to be obervant but alas the mind and its ways gets too involved in the situation and worries abt everything under the sun :)

haha well said, I could totally picturise u next to me with animated hands and exciting face LOL
, as far as the volleying questions go.. I try to maintain a low profile. I neither in a position nor interested in flaunt the abroad lifestyle to ppl around

@ Swaram
Hey travel buddy :) u should come down to chennai once :)

@ Soin
ROFTL :) let me see your posts after 5 years :)

@ Karthik
Waa thats intersting isnt ? I have seen that too , thanks for your words nanba

You sure are the best friend, u know what I go through from my posts, thats shows your observation and interest :) I have told AJCL and Savi that we share a special bond, now that I can prove it :)

LOL correct NRI NRI.. avuuuu naan ottaga paala dhaan cofee kudippen rangekku kuvaraangayya.. Thanks for ur blessings madam

U told it right to the point, for our parents this is what they prepared for the whole life. Totally agree my friend.

Hoi nee chrompet aa ? ok we shd meet I am in Ganapathypuram near that nagathamman temple.

You just proved the motherhood protectiveness :) by not watching the video on his presence :) Lovely

As far as match making goes..yes they do, but the rumour that I am married to chinese girl still prevails, something that helps me a load :)

LOL :) soon to be ss hehe, but If u think abt it , Its they who make the function interesting :)
I am combating all the resistence to the availability of fatty food.God save me :)
Thanks for ur words :)

Just read what I have writtern for Anu :) LOL

Hey friend, good to see you around :) Those simple moments when the aunt shares her food and make sure u are ok.. waah speachless isnt ?

@ Ajay
Welcome here buddy :) quite true , all those shit do deserve a well earned pride if not for us atleast for our parents :) Thanks for coming around and writing back :)

@ Photocache
You bet on the match making but as I said Anu the rumor saves me the trouble, Even then one uncle was so curious on me I guess, he has asked my aunt after I left :) funny ppl!

Emma u remember that hair LOL now u made a public comment of it , Its so funny the way u said it my friend. Yes the success of homecoming LOL but I hope I would be in successful career soon :)

Hello my friend, Very well said it applies to every form of nature, I saw teh avatar and there was this scene of the wild dog like creature taking care of its puppies. And the best part is even those who dont have the offspring on thier own still feel and be it.

IIT passout is more successful than any NRI to say :) Glad about ur success and the awe you created :)

Oh I remember abt the marriage post of your friend, that must felt so special isnt ? some ppl make our day with very small yet big valued actions.

Annam said…
அட்டெண்டன்ஸ் முதலில் ...
Annam said…
என்னப்பா மேட்டரூ ...
Annam said…
யானை குட்டி போட்டு இருக்கா???
Annam said…
Happy birthday to kutti Elephant
Annam said…
I almost heard her say “see I have made my child and I know how to take care of it”.

எல மக்கா எப்போ இருந்து மிருக பாஷை நோக்கு தெரியும் சொல்லவே இல்ல:)
Annam said…
baby shower function

ராஜ மரியாத போல :)
Annam said…
Needless to say I was surrounded by truck load of aunties

அந்த கண்கொள்ளா காட்சிய போட்டோ பிடிச்சு இருப்பாங்க :) whr s the foto???:)
Annam said…
saw many cattle. Few cows starred while I honked for my way
சிவப்பு சட்டை போட்டு போயிருந்தீங்களோ...அதான் முறைச்சிருக்கு போல அதோட விட்டுச்சனு சந்தோசப்படுங்க
sri said…
@ Annam

Welcome back , apaadi eppo dhaan supera erukku, blog e kalai katrichu

Brahm van,

yaani kutti podalam ana kutti yaanai poda mudiyaadhu

Naan sivappu kalar satta potrundha office vandhirukka matten hospital dhaan poi eruppen
Annam said…
At that moment I saw the pride in her eyes, one that is equivalent to that of elephant’s. Bow to the finest feeling of Motherhood

climax jooperu....vatsu final touch .......solli kudtha mathiriyae pannura gud very gud:)
Annam said…
during breakfast and force fed me, for she felt I am loosing weight and my charisma (!?)
ரெமி சாப்பாடு சாப்பிட்டா u vil get bk wat u lost :))))))):P
Annam said…
and literally dragged me around introducing to the relatives
எப்படி தற தறனு இழுதுட்டு போனாங்களா அடி ஒன்னும் படல தான:)r u okay???
Annam said…
உங்க போட்டோவ போடாததால நா வெளிநடப்பு செய்கிறேன்:)
Seraphine said…
thank you for sharing pieces of your life, sri. the birthing of an elephant is an excellent way to begin a story about love and family.
Your family has good reason to be proud of you. you have a good heart. it shows in your blog and what you choose to observe.
jehan said…
see what a marriage can do to a woman, haha! would you believe that? i was able to watch the video in full, agonizing and feeling the pain of the mommy elephant in silence... i don't like seeing a person or an animal in pain...

my veterinarian friend one time tagged me along to a house where he was called to castrate a dog.. he tied the dog's legs and mouth (so it won't make noise and bite), because he said there are no anestheasia for castration.. who ended up whining? it was I.. the whole time.. i even cried when it was finished...

i have a friend who gave birth here in korea. she somehow felt stressed being hovered upon and told "you don't know what to do, let us do it, let us take care of the baby. you just rest"

she said once a woman gives birth, her world suddenly changes. she feels like she knows exactly what to do and how to take care of her baby.. so being told to just rest and let them do the job just stressed her all the more..

cheers to life, love and motherhood..
Anuraag said…
hi srivats
wat an awesome video sri! u couldn get a better thing to relate with the beauty of maternal love..really loved it..

//While these are expected, what surprised me was the treatment I received. I felt like a government official inspecting the function. People offered seat, spoke nice and helped to make the formalities faster so I can go to work on time. The uncle, who used to make fun of me, not just listened to what I said but showed outmost respect to me. It’s amazing what money can do. A well earning foreign return is symbol of success, status and admiration here. //

how true and telling :)
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Anonymous said…
wow that is amazing.
sri said…

//உங்க போட்டோவ போடாததால நா வெளிநடப்பு செய்கிறேன்:)


LOL photo potrundha neraya pe veli nadappu senjirupaanga :)

That was so kind of you to utter those words :) I am so humbled by it and glad that you liked my writing.

I guess women are treated extra nice because of these things :)

I am horrified abt the dog castration, i cant even imagine how painful it would have been to the dog, Oh my! I wish ppl find better ways of doing such things.

Yes the mother know what exactly to do in all the breeds well mostly :) Women after birth undergoes loads of mental and phisical truama, due to exhaution and stuff and I can understand the stress your friend might have gone through.

@ Vishal

Hey brother, I am glad u liked it , actually I am no fan of such videos, but this one was quite interesting and amazing to say. Thanks for ur words:)

Welcome here and thanks much for your comment :)
G said…
It's only now that I've had the time to pass the blogs I follow and I'm glad I clicked yours first. Though I'm spending more time than I intended (I'm supposed to visit other's blogs too :P). I realized that I've missed a lot of your posts -- probably got buried by the ones that show up first when I log in.

In that span of time, I've forgotten how much I enjoy reading your posts :D

I love how this actually pulled the scenes of the event into my mind. :D

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