When in Zen..

I didnt believe in ZEN Meditation , until recently.I was working on a illustration and the whole day went in a flash. I forgot where I was, what I did and whether I was breathing air. It was a lovely feeling, have u ever felt that ?



I didnt believe in "zen mediation"
Hope it's ZEN MEDITATION????.Pls correct it.
sri said…
Thank you for the change aruna, yes updated :P
Photo Cache said…
Oh that must have been a glorious experience. Never had that feeling before. I've been meaning to learn the right way to meditate.
Kayni said…
i have attended meditation classes, but i'm still a work in progress. it would be nice to experience what you had.
kanagu said…
yes... Every weekend... don;t know hoe it passes :D :D
Ramesh said…
Methinks our Sri is hopelessly in love :)
bittersweet said…
I did experience a similar thing though I'm not sure if you can call it zen meditation. I was sitting beside a waterfall, and for a moment it was so quiet and peaceful. It's a lovely feeling.
Karthik said…
Me seconds kanagu!! :))
TheUncanny said…
I've experienced something jus opposite to the zen effect..when im at work!!!...time moves at snail's pace :)))
RamNarayanS said…
Couldn't resist this.

You are a "Prisoner of 'Zen'da". :)
R-ambam said…
not yet !
Swaram said…
Second Kanagu ... weekends fly :P
yes yes yes !! its a glorious feeling !
felt like it a few times - once while transalting a excellent literary piece frm japanese to english and once while writing a story
Good to know that....Well i have felt the same when i paint, when i am in my garden oe when i am writing a new story. Meditation seems to be the most toughest thing for me.
Anonymous said…
i think i also felt that way when i was about to pass out though i do not remember it to be that glorious LOL kidding sri, you made me curious on what that zen meditation is but i'm glad it worked for you.
hey, i missed this one, since i was travelling.....good to see u are happy...... and ive tagged u... do it when u have time...
Vidya said…
This is awesome! I am doing the exact same thing with my life right now and getting involved in zen meditation! :D


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