Take a wish

This is it! It’s just one more day to 2010. I remember sitting with my class mates in a quite coffee shop in Singapore on 31st dec 2008. No big party or fireworks. Just three friends hanging out, talking about each other’s life and everything under the sun err.. actually full moon. We were too engrossed in talking to notice the countdown that slipped away silently.

The year turned out to be like a roller coaster. Not just owing to its ups and downs but also to the underline fact that I chose to ride it. Knowing, all those twist and turns would shock and surprise me. Knowing, no matter how bumpy it may seem I would land safely. Knowing, my job is only to let loose, wave hands and enjoy the experience.

Let’s be like the child that’s thrown in the air by its mom, smiling, enjoying, and with complete trust that it would be received safely into her hands! Let’s welcome 2010 with belief, conviction and hope.

I have customised wish for you all, but there is a twist. I am going to let our close friend “Destiny” pick the best one for each of you. I have given 30 wishes, each one with very specific thought. You would be picking it up according to the order of your comment to this post.

So when you read this post, visit the comment section and see what’s your number, suppose if there are  two comments; then read the third wish written below. You have to copy paste it in the comment section and write your thoughts on that. If there are thirty comments, then read the first wish.

Here we go!

1. You are blessed. Everything is going to be alright. When the rain is pouring down it would seem heavy cold and messy, but remember rainbows appear only after rain. Everything is going to be alright. New Year is going to be all right!

2. No one has the right to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, go by your heart, go by your feelings, for they never lie. Watch your diet and have an easy year ahead.

3. Abundance would fill your house in every way; all you need to do is let it do its job by clearing out unwanted stuff both from your mind and from your house. Make room for new in this New Year, Let energy flow!

4. Love should be unconditional and  less expectations. We are here to learn many things and the most important of them is love. Lessons may seem hard at times, but it’s worth taking it. Open up your heart to love and have a lovely year ahead.

5. Health is not just eating the right food it’s also having a right frame of mind. Calm yourself and let go of your worries. Peace of mind is the best wealth in the world.

6. Forgive freely and fully, for it help to get over what’s not best for your progress. Have a wonderful year ahead.

7. Learning something new would help to keep that spark, that’s deep down you, alive. For its soul’s longing to learn things. Have a hearty year ahead. God bless.

8. Remember the hot drink you had watching rain? That’s life; it’s not made of big achievements or financial success, its moments like these that matter most. You know what to do, have fun filled days ahead!

9. Cherish your relationships, at the end of the day we work only for that. Have a great year ahead.

10. Exercising, eating the right food and meditating would keep you away from health problems. We shouldn’t forget the basics. Have a healthy year ahead.

11. Angles are by your side and you should never forget that, guidance would always come, all you have to do is trust! Bless you.

12. Open your palms and read your lines, you are unique and your job is to protect the identity of who you truly are. Let life flow!

13. Words once spoken cannot be retracted, words can kill and they can heal as well. Let your lips carry only blessings for others, for you don’t know the power of them.  Have a year filled with abundance in every way.

14. Success is what you define it to be, and the journey is more important than the finish line. Have a successful year ahead.

15. What you are today is the collection of thoughts you had till this time. Choose your thoughts so it can define your future. Have a prosperous new year.

16. We can always use a holiday and there is nothing like many holidays. Life is to enjoy, relax and have fun!

17. Let go of resentment, guilty or any negative feeling you are holding on right now. It’s hard to swim with stones tied to your leg. Let them go and see how your life flourishes.

18. Believe in yourself, soon others would do too. You are much better than what you think you are, give yourself a chance! Have fulfilling year ahead.

19. Watch a sunrise and contemplate your thoughts! Things would settle by itself. Have a happy new year.

20. It’s very important to groom yourself well. Give only your best to others in every way, life would surprise you.  Have a fun filled year.

21. Music to ears, food to stomach is what love to soul. Walk the beach, smile and love like there is no tomorrow. Have a lovely year.

22. If it did not happen, it never meant to be. Accepting does not mean you failed, it means you are brave enough to see the reality. And what appears to be failure is not one in the future. Bless you.

23. Welcome! Gym is right around the corner, so stay fit! Have a healthy year ahead.

24. Keep writing, spend on yourself, call your old friend and take care of your favourite thing. Things may stay usual, but that’s a blessing! Have a blessed year ahead.

25. Freedom is important. Free yourself and free others. Have a free new year!

26. Magical world and reality is separated by a thin layer called dreams, the more you believe it, the more the layer shifts for you. Have a magical year ahead.

27. Read more, a thought read in a book can change your life. Happy New Year!

28. Get over it! Make yourself a tea and remember, if you can make your own tea you can do anything in your life. Have fulfilling days ahead.

29. Save money, save water and save your emotions for the right time. Have a peaceful year ahead.

30. God exists and your prayers would be answered duly, hold on to your thoughts and stay positive. Have a happy new year!

Ps: I am not psychic, although I believe psychic powers exist. This is purely for fun and just to see how much coincidence is god’s incident.  Pictures were taken during my visit to pual ubin island near Singapore.

Update : Thanks to Blogadda for choosing this post as thier spicy saturday pick :) Thanks to Blogadda and all those who commented below, pardon me as I am not replying to individual comments because it would increase the wish count.


R-ambam said…
//You are blessed. Everything is going to be alright. When the rain is pouring down it would seem heavy cold and messy, but remember rainbows appear only after a rain. Everything is going to be alright. New Year is going to be all right!//

Thanks buddy , Wish u a very
R-ambam said…
(...Contd)happy New year ! Actually , everything is alright already ... :D , I like this game anyway . 30 Wishful thoughts for others must be appreciated !
jehan said…
//2. No one has the right to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, go by your heart, go by your feelings, for they never lie. Watch your diet and have an easy year ahead.

3. Abundance would fill your house in every way; all you need to do is let it do its job by clearing out unwanted stuff both from your mind and from your house. Make room for new in this New Year, Let energy flow!//

since mine is the third comment, with the 2nd wish not posted yet, i opted to copy-paste it along with the 3rd wish..

i love them both... thank you very much. they are just the "right words" i need for my wish.. really..

have a Happy and Blessed New Year, Sri.. warm greetings to your family too..
Vidya said…
3. "Abundance would fill your house in every way; all you need to do is let it do its job by clearing out unwanted stuff both from your mind and from your house. Make room for new in this New Year, Let energy flow!"

No one but you can write such a fabulous post for New Year's. This actually ties so very neatly with what I had written for closing out this year! We make room for good things, good people, good energy by clearing out all that is not needed!

Sri, I am glad that I stumbled upon your blog and you. You are a blessing in every possible and I am proud to be associated with you, even if it is in a small way!

I wish you a wonderful year ahead, fitted just for you and made better by your thoughts and deeds!

CVR said…
4. Love should be unconditional and less expectations. We are here to learn many things and the most important of them is love. Lessons may seem hard at times, but it’s worth taking it. Open up your heart to love and have a lovely year ahead.///


I wonder what have I learnt and what more is in store.... :)
Have a fruitful and peaceful year ahead :)
G3 said…
//Health is not just eating the right food it’s also having a right frame of mind. Calm yourself and let go of your worries. Peace of mind is the best wealth in the world.//

Kalakkiteenga ponga :D

Wishing u too a wonderful year ahead :D
Chan said…
Nice post with awesome pics...Getting ready for the NY already :-)
//Remember the hot drink you had watching rain? That’s life; it’s not made of big achievements or financial success, its moments like these that matter most. You know what to do, have fun filled days ahead!//

I remember the golden tea, that i sip, while dipping the Parle-G biscuits in the tea consecutively :) I also remember the strawberry icecream, garam garam jalebi, which i enjoy most on rainy days :)

Thanks for the wish :)
super idea for a post.. minez no 9... have a fab 2010 too..
gils said…
//Health is not just eating the right food it’s also having a right frame of mind. Calm yourself and let go of your worries. Peace of mind is the best wealth in the world.//

Kalakkiteenga ponga :D //

:D :D typical g3 wish :D
gils said…
23,24,27 are mine :)
gils said…
sooper..ipdi onu ona select panna porumail ila..so me picking all 30..greedy u c :)
Pixie said…
Mine is 11th

11. Angles are by your side and you should never forget that, guidance would always come, all you have to do is trust! Bless you.

Coincidence is, someone else also said the samething! That I need to trust more at times...

Happy New Year Sri! Awesome pics and a lovely post! :)
Swaram said…
Wow! U make everything so interesting Sri :) Awesome!

Gng by the no. of ppl who hv commented before mine, should be 9 for me :)

'Cherish your relationships, at the end of the day we work only for that. Have a great year ahead'

And I totally believe in this .. thanks a lot :)

A very happy new year to u too :)
deep said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
deep said…
I think mine is 12..
Open your palms and read your lines, you are unique and your job is to protect the identity of who you truly are. Let life flow!

There you are with what I was looking for most at this moment...
Thanks alot.. :)

Wish you a very Happy New Year..
deep said…
BTW I would have also been happy with 11,18,19,21,24...another greedy fellow u see..:P

PS: A wonderful Idea to wish new year..Must say you are very innovative.!!! :)
/ Believe in yourself, soon others would do too. You are much better than what you think you are, give yourself a chance! Have fulfilling year ahead./
Thanx Sri!how different you are in wishing others!
You will reach your destiny and the path will be filled with roses!
Aarti said…
Absolutely beautiful post!!! :)))

mine is the 19th comment, so

19. Watch a sunrise and contemplate your thoughts! Things would settle by itself. Have a happy new year.

Thanks and loads of wishes for a great year ahead!! new directions, new dreams.. new hopes and so many more journeys!!! :)
Ramesh said…
Fabulous. I am No 20 so my wish is

20. It’s very important to groom yourself well. Give only your best to others in every way, life would surprise you. Have a fun filled year.

Thanks mate. Much appreciate the advice. Out goes the bermudas. Thrown out are sneakers. Suiots it is, complete with the tie !!

Great post to end the year. Best wishes Sri.
FunScribbler said…
kalakureenga!!! mine is 21st i guess.
Anonymous said…
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
Unknown said…
22. If it did not happen, it never meant to be. Accepting does not mean you failed, it means you are brave enough to see the reality. And what appears to be failure is not one in the future. Bless you.

Bull's eye, Sri! I'll take the lesson :) And like your profile says, and judging by the no. of comments here, you indeed are here to make a difference!

P.S.1. I take all the 30 btw! :)
P.S.2. My New Year post is going to have a link to this page.
Annam said…
24. Keep writing, spend on yourself, call your old friend and take care of your favourite thing. Things may stay usual, but that’s a blessing! Have a blessed year ahead.

boss neenga periya aalaa vara poreenga this yr neenga vena

danksu for the wishes swamiji:)
Smita said…
Keep writing, spend on yourself, call your old friend and take care of your favourite thing. Things may stay usual, but that’s a blessing! Have a blessed year ahead.

I love the spending on myself part ;-) this year is gonna see the return of the shopaholic :D

A lovely loevy post!!!

Wish u n ur near nd dear ones a very happy new year!! :)
TheUncanny said…
//Get over it! Make yourself a tea and remember, if you can make your own tea you can do anything in your life. Have fulfilling days ahead.//

Know wat, I can never make my own tea, never had an opportunity to make one :((((
TheUncanny said…
My favo

//Health is not just eating the right food it’s also having a right frame of mind. Calm yourself and let go of your worries. Peace of mind is the best wealth in the world.//

Yep, Peace of mind is very important.
I hope the scorpion bitten monkey also is having a good new year..hehe...
RamNarayanS said…
First, great shots. Do you Flickr/Picasaweb and if so, your handle please?

Back to the wishes (all of them feel very good and apt as well).

>> Get over it! Make yourself a tea and remember, if you can make your own tea you can do anything in your life. Have fulfilling days ahead.

:-) :-) :-) Definitely. I did make more than tea today. Urulaikkizhangu podimaas end to end. Maybe tea in the afternoon. :)

Thanks for the quote. Definitely I hope for the same. Wishing you a great year as well.
Anuraag said…
hi srivats!
hey u and ur creativity!! i like it really :)
//Save money, save water and save your emotions for the right time. Have a peaceful year ahead.//

so this yr m gonna b the sensible saving lad..
saving money ..umm..kk gone those #$#@#$%%..
saving water...my nxt bath is scheduled on Holi :)
saving emotions... nw i ll sit quietly when there is some comedy show or something and then vent out my laughter every weekend for the all the week stock ...lol

Wish u a very happy new year buddy!

pls join 'http://krazyidiot.blogspot.com/'
bittersweet said…
Happy, happy New year to you. Enjoy the best days ahead!!!
Anonymous said…
numer one is exactly what i needed to hear. thanks. have a good one ahead!
Pri said…
ok the 28th wish is mine.yayyy!!

///28. Get over it! Make yourself a tea and remember, if you can make your own tea you can do anything in your life. Have fulfilling days ahead.///

thanks a lot..i needed this! :)

(when i saw the comments at first, i was dissapointed because thr were 31 comments already before me..so i thot i missed my wish..but just thot of counting nonethless and figured there were double comments and cancelled ones thr..so tht meant i still had my wish in thr..yippeee)

so here's wishing u a very happy new year and a combination wish of all the 30 uve cited here..
and before i cause some delay and someone steals my wish, il'l post this :D

take care
Pri said…
and if going only by the comment stats, i make it to wish no 2 that is,
///2. No one has the right to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, go by your heart, go by your feelings, for they never lie. Watch your diet and have an easy year ahead.///

so cheers to that too ;)

[now let me see who else has the patience to go into so much details :D)
pawan said…
//Save money, save water and save your emotions for the right time. Have a peaceful year ahead.//

A few wisecracks at the beginning of the year!
Nice post mate :D
//Health is not just eating the right food it’s also having a right frame of mind. Calm yourself and let go of your worries. Peace of mind is the best wealth in the world.//how true:O man!!this is somethin like a foretellin:o lol!hereafter i won keep worryin..am very sure an gonna ve a superb year!very consolin srivats:)thanks..glad i read this post:D
Karthik said…
sorry i am late.. happy new year, bro! :)

//6. Forgive freely and fully, for it help to get over what’s not best for your progress. Have a wonderful year ahead.

the very advice i needed. thanks. :)
lIl hIgH said…
//Learning something new would help to keep that spark, that’s deep down you, alive. For its soul’s longing to learn things. Have a hearty year ahead. God bless.

I think this wish is appropriate for me right now. :). I need to hear what my soul is longing for.
Swaram said…
Congrats Sri on the blogadda pick ... lovely gift for the new yr na :)
Seraphine said…
water your plants.
and feed your pets.
because if you neglect them
you are also neglecting yourself.
debasis said…
Angles are by your side and you should never forget that, guidance would always come, all you have to do is trust! Bless you.

Really surprise....But this is the one which I always wish in my life and believe in it...You r great Sri...God bless u ...:)
Chatterbox said…
Am at 41, hence mine is number 11:
Angles are by your side and you should never forget that, guidance would always come, all you have to do is trust! Bless you.

Wow! what a wonderful message to last for years to come. Thanks Sri for this wonderful post at the start of new year :)

Hope you have a wonderful wish-fulfilling year ahead.

Great one, Sri!!!! what a wonderful new year gift for you!!!

may this year bring you everything you could wish for!!

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