Forward Blues

This post is my mail to one of my friend who supports reservation. The reservation issue talks are bummed now but still I felt like blogging it here.

"India must be the only country in the world, where people fight to be called backward" ,

you know what, its no more social equality it has become the privilege for the backward, they appear to be against the caste system but they are the one who are very interested in reservations. They are in majority and has to be given this privilege and they should be guarded at all costs, through false theories, lies, fictitious stories, emotional blackmail and threats. even today many crimes are committed against SC/STs in villages by powerful OBC and of course with political support/background.

I think after 50 years of independence its the middle class which needs social equality.Middle class do not live a life as what mehta has depicted.
They strive to give good education to their children.And their dreams are simply whipped off when on the name of reservation.

Don't you think the only way you can gain equality is to stop making reservations. I am not against who are economically backward. I am against a policy which works only based on caste system and nothing else. You will agree with me that there are upper class OBS and lower class FCs.

Why don't the government give good education to everyone from the beginning instead of marking their abilities after 12th standard ?
Why don't the government look into those who are economically backward and provide help based on it instead of whether he is OBC?

Why don't we analyze what reservation has done to us till now, who exactly has data as to how much OBC exists in our country, how many really need it?

As the Supreme Court asks now, whets the basis for increasing the reservation now ? whets the case ?

1.NSSO, which is a government appointed body, has actually in its research in 1999 - which is the most latest research shown - that 23.5 per cent of all university seats are already with the OBCs. And that is just 8.5 per cent less than what the NSSO believes is the OBC share of the population. So, for a difference of 8 per cent, would reservations be the right way of making up the difference?

2. a study done by the IITs themselves shows that 50 per cent of the IIT seats for the SCs and STs remain vacant, and for the remaining 50 per cent, 25 per cent are the candidates who even after six years fail to get their degrees. So, clearly, in their case, reservations are not working.

3. looking at the Delhi University, between 1995 and 2000, just half the seats for under-graduates at the Scheduled Castes level and just one-third of the seats for under-graduates at the Scheduled Tribes level were filled. All the others went empty, unfilled. So, again, even in Delhi University, reservations are not working.

4.Fifty years after the reservations were made, statistics show, according to The Hindustan Times, that overall in India, only 16 per cent of the places in higher education are occupied by SCs and STs. The quota is 22.5 per cent, which means that only two-thirds of the quota is occupied. One-third is going waste, it is being denied to other people.

isn't it a high time we stop fighting against/for reservation and make changes to our education and infrastructure ? We are in lack of facilities why don't the dumb politicians are cared about it ? because increasing the professors in the educational institution isn't going to offer vote , but increasing reservation does isn't?

We are talking about a student from OBC who are not given social equality not given good education isn't competitive enough with others well lets look at other ways of achieving the same.
When we talk about competency, its from where they have started to what he has achieved.
Ok if reservation has to be there it can be atleast quantified, as one of the professor said .

Give mark system instead of reservation , 20 - 80

20 marks for background ( suppose a student is from deprived class, studied in a corporation school, in a village outside cities, who is female and her father earning isn't good - she deserves this 20 marks )
80 marks for merit.

In this way no one gets affected and your reservation is quantifies, can politicians like arjun singh such things, defn no .. because its totally against vote banks.And I am not surprised that all parties are unanimous about it , infact the only things they are unanimous is about reservation and OOP.
Do you think reservation is the only solution to social equality - no not at all.. If we are talking about taking India forward lets not go backward by dividing the community more and more on basis of reservation.


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